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About Us...

Before being installed in Mogi, the #1 Lavanderia Mogi das Cruzes conducted a study on demand in the city and saw the need to introduce its customers to a new, less robotic way of working for laundry services, giving preference to personalized service and more cordial. Dealing with its customers in a more human and personal way, listening to their needs instead of presenting forms and management models already used by our competitors in the market. We came to show a flexible and personalized way to each type of customer, from the quick pick up, the delivery and not forcing any type of service contract. Contact us and learn about our differentiated and exclusive products and services that you can only find here.

You should know!

Did you know that in most laundries your clothes are mixed with industrial clothes, motel and even hospital clothes? It is not necessary to go into more details, right? We at #1 Lavanderia Mogi das Cruzes only provide services to individuals and small establishments in the region.

Think carefully, know that here you will have the best personalized service for each customer.

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